About The Game

Forest Hunters Promotional Video


My Goal

Forest Hunters strives to be an easy and accessible game that anyone can play! The game was built so players could build decks to be as simple or complex as desired.

Simple Card Mechanics

Forest Hunters’ simple card mechanics paves the way for future development that won’t impact the state of the game. With small 20-card decks and only two types of cards, games tend to be quick, depending on the complexity of the decks.

The game is currently in development and is subject to changes based on popular demand.

A Brief History

Many years ago, you could spot me in an elementary school lunchroom playing a very unfledged version of the game you see today. These cards were created with what scraps of paper and art supplies I could find. As we played this makeshift game, with new rules being made up spontaneously, we had fun creating all the cards and making them have their actions that would one-up each other. Eventually, those cards became squirreled away in the mess of a bedroom I spent most of my time in.

Eventually, those cards appeared again while cleaning out an old bookcase in that small domicile. Even though they were sandwiched at the bottom of a box of random papers from elementary school, their potential shined through the childish artwork of cartoon dragons and creatures. During that summer after middle school, being the bored adolescent that I was, I decided to expand on it. The game “Forest Hunters” was created using those old cards as an example. I can still remember the weekends spent at my grandma’s house with my art supplies sprawled over her kitchen table, creating the first hundred-or-so cards for the game.

In the early stages of the development of the game, I only had one goal regarding its creation. It seemed quite simple; create a trading card game that anyone could play. However, as simple as my goal seemed the execution started to become difficult. To make such a large-scale game, research had to happen. I started to study popular party games to see what made them so appealing. I learned that many people want a game to be easy to learn and simple to play. With this knowledge, I started to restructure the game to obtain that goal.

Many years were spent developing and cultivating this project. As the game progressed, I started to progress as well. The game improved my artistic and graphic design talents, through drawing the creation of hundreds of cards. Even the countless challenges I faced along the way grew my creativity and improved my problem-solving ability. However, as much I hate to say it, the game is still not finished. The game is still in the play testing stages, and there are still underlying issues that need to be resolved.

Artwork Over The Years

As the game continued to develop over the years, the artwork continued to develop as well. Depicted are some of the pieces and how the art style has changed drastically.

Game and Illustrations created by Joe Lark

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